Web Sites: Not Dead Yet! Four Benefits Web Sites Still Have in 2022
I’m now on the third generation of my personal web site. It’s been a while! And even though it’s 2022, I’m still a fan of web sites. As social media shifts and changes, more people are looking at what web sites can do for them. How does a web site compare to social media for…
Travel Writing at Public Streets
One of my goals for 2015 is to expand with new writing projects, and the first of these has been published. You can read my travel writing post at Public Books, in their Public Streets series, here: Wellington’s Cuba Street: On the Restless Taniwha. Thanks again to the editors at Public Books and to photographer…
Websites by Web-Savvy Friends
Even in this age of social media, businesses and professionals need a web site as the foundation of their web presence. But the cost is often a shock. So, people often think, “Why not ask our web-savvy friend (WSF) to help? The one with the shiny blog and the witty Twitter posts? They’ll know what…